In Episode 20, Tysen and Allen answer the first 20 questions they received from the Podcast listeners. We touch on making peach session melomels, common meadmaking problems, the mead industry, starting a meadery, and even how Allen and Tysen first met.
We also feature a MeadMakr Spotlight with Blacksnake Meadery from Dugspur, VA. Steve and Jo welcomed Tysen and his family a few weeks back. Hear what they have to say about the meadery.
Have a burning question you’d like answered on the show? Let us know on twitter, facebook, or directly through our contact us page!
Right click here to download the mp3 directly.
Drinks in this Episode
Tysen: Traditional Mead (516 Brewery [a friend’s home meadery label])
- Allen: Squashed (Blacksnake Meadery)
Links in this Episode
- Find out more about Blacksnake through the following links:
- The etymology of the word mead
- The GotMead Mead Calculator
- The BJCP Mead Test
Cover image courtesy of Gratisography.
Tricksy mead makers, tracking down my name like that. Must have included it in an early (oddly deleted) comment. *hssss*
Thanks for all the answers. I’ll have to track down a strawberry farm this spring. Lots of work to be done.
Speaking for myself, I claim no responsibility for Internet research or perhaps names from emails. Your anonymity is safe on the Interwebz, only governments and hacker groups across the globe know who you are.