Episode 30 chronicles part II of Tysen’s travels during the Merry Meadmust Road Trip. Tysen takes us through Madison, Wisconsin and Grand Rapids, Michigan. While he didn’t stop at any meaderies, he did hit up a few cool liquor stores stocked with meads. Be sure to stop by when you are in the area!
We apologize for not getting a “regular” episode up tonight. We’ve spent most of the weekend making mead and hosting mead tastings. As such, we’re a little behind processing the West Coast Cyser and Session Mead tasting and don’t have it ready for tonight.
Right click here to download the mp3 directly.
Links in this Episode
- Tysen’s Twitter and Instagram Feeds
- Sprecher Brewery
- Bos Meadery
- Riley’s Wines of the World
- White Winter Winery
- Matt of Bluehand Mead on Twitter
- Brennan’s Cellars
- Arktos Meadery
- Siciliano’s Market
- Acoustic Draft Mead
- B Nektar (link to the “rumor” that Zombie Killer cloned Acoustic)
- Bardic Wells Meadery
- Bee Well Meadery
- Maine Mead Works Honey Maker
- Honeywood Winery

Zombie Killer was definitely NOT inspired by Acoustic.
It was first made as a custom batch for a restaurant in NC that wanted something with cherry and in a keg. It just so happened to be fall, which is cider season and Zombie Killer was born.
Love the show,
Brad Dahlhofer
B. Nektar Meadery
Rumor debunked 🙂
Thanks for helping clarify the issue!